What is the future of the Kurds in the politics of Turkey?

One of the most important results of elections in 14 May was undoubtedly the decline of the HDP vote. The party entered the elections under the name Green Left Party (YSP).

The votes of the HDP declined from 11.7 percent to 8.8 percent.

The HDP’s goal was to increase the number of 67 deputies it won in 2018 to 100. However, that number remained at 62.

The importance of the Kurdish votes was highlighted in political commentaries made to date.

It was also said that the presidential candidate who receives the votes of the Kurds can open the door to power.

After the results of the May 14 elections, are the Kurdish votes still important today?

And why did the YSP lose so many votes? Will whoever is in power in the future solve the Kurdish problem?

“In a such case, it seems difficult to solve the Kurdish problem on a democratic basis”

The academic Vahap Çokun is known for his work on the Kurdish. According to him, in the current situation, it is difficult to solve the Kurdish problem on a democratic basis.

The Union of the Republic has the current Parliament. And also the wave of nationalism is on the rise in Turkey. However, Erdogan is a pragmatic leader. In some cases, he can manage different policies. He also takes risks. In the future, developments in Syria may force him to solve the Kurdish problem.

Vahap Coskun
Ardil Batmaz

There are 65 million voters in Turkey and the 18 percent of them are Kurdish voters.

The HDP had 6 million votes and took parts in the elections under the name YSP. But now they almost 2 million have lost their votes.

According to academic Vahap Coskun, the May 14 elections produced three important results:

*The alliance which was established by the HDP, worked against them. In particular, the HDP’s agreement with the TIP lost both votes and deputies.

*The second important factor was shortening the election threshold. This has reduced the motivation of the HDP administration and voters. Voters who had previously voted strategically did not go to the polls this time.

*Third, the HDP’s cooperation with the opposition tended to benefit the CHP.

For these reasons, the HDP did not achieve the expected success in these elections.

Vahap Coskun

“Firstly we will criticize ourselves”

The parlemanter of YSP in Diyarbakir, Mehmet Kamac told Botan Times that they understood the messages of their voters.

We must take responsibility for the results of this election. We will do what is necessary and self-criticism to our people.

Mehmet Kamac

This news was translated by Yonca Sarsilmaz

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Gulistan Korban
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