LIVE – 12th day of the earthquake

After the 7.7 and 7.6 earthquakes in Kahramanmaras, the number of victims who lost their lives is increasing.

The Head of the Chamber of the Industry in Kocaeli called out to employers: Don’t employ persons from the earthquake zone

The Head of the Chamber of Industry in Kocaeli Ayhan Zeytinoglu said “I want that you shouldn’t employ people from the earthquake zone. We don’t say that doesn’t help them just don’t employ.”

On the 12th day of the earthquake, came a voice from the ruins

After the earthquake in Kahramanmaras, the building of Defne was destroyed in Antakya. On the 12th day, there is a voice from the ruins. The rescue team stated that there are three persons in the ruin.

The death toll is getting increase

According to the AFAD, the death toll passes 38 thousand 44 persons. In the earthquake zone, there were 4 thousand 734 rearguards after the first one.

2 persons were rescued from the ruins

In Antakya, after 261 hours Mehmet Ali Sakiroglu, 26 years old, and Mustafa Avci, 34 years old, were rescued.

4 years old Azra was rescued from the ruins but she lost her life in the hospital

Azra was one of them who was trapped under rubble, but she was rescued alive. Training and Research Hospital in Adana, she lost her life.

This news was translated by Yonca Sarsilmaz

Author Profile

Beril Caymaz
Edîtor û nûçegihana Botan Timesê ye. Li Zanîngeha Selçûkê beşa rojnamegeriyê xwendiye. Ji bo Journo, Gazete MLSA, Botan International, PodcastKurdî, Rojnameya 9 Eylulê, Rojnameya 24 Saatê wek rojnamegera serbixwe kar kiriye.

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