“The color of the war is the same everywhere”


Photo: Qesim Etmaneki

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The young sculptor and painter Kenan Servan Intak is taking part in the Bazaart Exhibition with two of his works.

The Bazaart exhibition, sponsored by Deniz Bank this year, started on March 15 and will continue until April 10.

The purpose of the exhibition is to be a connection between the graduates of the Fine Arts department of the universities and collectors and art lovers.

Photo: Qesim Etmaneki

The focus of the exhibition is the works of young people

At first, young artists apply for this exhibition online. Among them, the successful ones get the right to participate here with their products.

Then these selected young people give a price for their products. The maximum price of a product is limited to 6,500 TL.

Also, a young Kurdish man is participating in this exhibition with his products.

Servan Intak is from Milazgirt of Mus, he graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at Marmara University and is now working in this field.

He has been living in Istanbul for almost 6 years and is a part of art exhibitions.

profession 3
Photo: Qesim Atmaneki

“Black and white give a better voice to me”

People who visit here are mostly collectors and owners of art galleries; they bought what they enjoy for hanging on their houses or adding to their collections. Of course, this also helps us young people.

I draw 90 percent of my paintings in monochrome (black and white). Because black and white give me a better voice to me. I can’t describe a war in green, yellow, and blue, I can describe it in black and white and its tones.

Kenan Servan Intak
Photo: Qesim Atmaneki

“We have been at war since childhood”

I drew my paintings almost two years ago. At the time of the war in Ukraine, I wanted to express the dirtiness of the war. I wanted to mention the dirtiness of the war not only in Ukraine but also in Sinjar. Because, when we opened our eyes we see the war.

The story of my work comes from my childhood; I don’t remember but when I was a child, my parents used to say; When you saw soldiers and jeeps on TV, you cried, we hardly made you calm. It is possible that all those cases gained a seat in my mind so I am expressing it today.

Kenan Servan Intak
From the exhibition
From the exhibition

Translator and editor: Yonca Sarsilmaz

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