LGBTI+: The issue is the same but reactions are different all over the world

Photo: Murat Bayram

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In today’s world, via discrimination and marginalization, people tend to be more equal. But in many countries, the number of people who are discriminated because of their identity and sexual orientation is increasing.

Besides, LGBTI+ people take place in many societies with their perspectives, and at the same time, they are discriminated against by society.

Newly, in the Newroz of Diyarbakir, a group of men attacked the LGBTI+ people.

Those attackers wanted to bring down the LGBTI+ flags and then tried to lynch them.

During the attack, people from the Human Rights Association (IHD) and the Turkish Workers’ Party (TIP) came to help LGBTI+ people, but they were also attacked.

This group of young people who define themselves as ‘Kurdish nationalists’ had planned this attack before Newroz.

The group posted a message on social media:

If you see TIP and LGBTI+ flags that there isn’t any relation with Newroz and Kurdish, you can light the Newroz fire with those flags.

In the Netherlands, same-sex marriage was legalized on April 1, 2001.

Homosexual acts are already illegal in Uganda. On Tuesday evening in the Uganda parliament with widespread support, anti-gay legislation was passed.

Editor and translator: Yonca Sarsilmaz

Author Profile

Beril Caymaz
Edîtor û nûçegihana Botan Timesê ye. Li Zanîngeha Selçûkê beşa rojnamegeriyê xwendiye. Ji bo Journo, Gazete MLSA, Botan International, PodcastKurdî, Rojnameya 9 Eylulê, Rojnameya 24 Saatê wek rojnamegera serbixwe kar kiriye.

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