CHP: Cruelty is everywhere, but there is a different kind of cruelty to Kurds

There are still 16 days until left until the elections.

According to election polls, the votes for the Republican People’s Party (CHP) are rising in Kurdish cities.

How will the increase in votes affect the elections? What is the CHP’s opinion on the solution to the Kurdish problem?

CHP Chairman in Diyarbakir, Abdullah Atıkı, answered Botan Times’ questions about the elections and operations on Monday.

“We are the guarantee of the Kurds”

When they see the results of the elections, they begin to attack. The operation was carried out on Monday and hundreds of people were arrested, one of them. There is oppression everywhere, but the Kurds are oppressed differently. How can it be that 20 days before the elections so many people are arrested? If those arrested are guilty, why did you wait until today?

Abdullah Atiki

According to Atiki, they want to take the country back to the 90s with operations. Fear and terror are taking hold of the population.

Atiki says, “No matter what they do, they will not be able to change the results. We will come and we will win.”

The election polls also show that votes for the AKP are melting in the north and votes for the CHP are increasing.

According to politician Abdullah Atiki, the Kurds’ opinion toward the AKP has changed.

Atiki explains the reason for these changes in these words;

We are the guarantee for the Kurds. Because Kilicdaroglu is a Kurd, this is a great opportunity for us. He is a person from this region, from Dersim. The persecution that every Kurd in this region suffers was also inflicted on him and his family. He is a democratic person. Because of this particular opinion of the Kurds, the opinion of the Amed’s people towards us has changed.

Abdullah Atiki

Atık states that when the Kurds come to power, they will be freer and more equal.

When was the party founded?

The Republican People’s Party was founded on September 9, 1923, under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

The CHP is the first party of the Republic of Turkey and was founded with the establishment of the Republic of Turkey.

CHP is the main opposition party in Turkey, with 134 deputies in the Turkish Parliament.

It is a center-left party that supports the views of Kemalism and social democracy.

Kemal Kilicdaroglu has been the chairman of the CHP since May 22, 2010.

This news was translated by Yonca Sarsilmaz

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Gulistan Korban
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