Quickfire Dialogue with Ayhan Geverî

If you write a letter to God, what would you say?

Since time and the world  is as always why are all these burdens and mysteries? 

Who is the person that you love most? 

No one, I have a long list in my heart, but the people I love the most are the closest. 

What would you not want to happen if you built a world for yourself?

Ignorance and viciousness. 

What is your favourite book?

Dîwana Mela.

When you are dead, who would you most like to visit your grave? (It does not matter if s/he is dead or alive)

Two Easterners: Shahram Nazerî and Shahab Vali. Because they have tambour and lute 

What worries you the most?

To see the social painful memories on people’s faces that are not healed and are passed on to other generations. 

If you scratch one name to Diyarbakir’s walls, whose name would it be?

Tahir Elçi

Which period do you want to live in?

Not live, but I would like to see the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. 

If you were born one more time, what would you do again?

Studying literature but with more discipline. 

What would you most like to do before you die?

I want to complete my unfinished books. 

What do you most dream about?

More dreaming and more travelling. 

What is the pain in your heart in this life?

Wishes and dreams that don’t come true, and some dreams you can’t see. 

If you wanted to change something about yourself, what would it be?

The city that I live in. 

What is your biggest achievement?

Having valuable and precious friends.

Read in Kurdish

This news was translated by Betül Demir

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