An agency without journalists on Labor Day

Today, May 1, is International Workers’ Day. Many parties are demanding their rights in the fields and mention justice and rights. But we spend this day with work instead of our friends.

Arjin Dilek Oncel

We listen to these words from journalist Arjin Dilek Oncel.

She is one of the editors of the Mesopotamia Agency.

These days their working hours become heavy.

Now she is trying to do the work that her 6 journalist friends did.

Mesopotamia Agency welcomes the press on May 1, International Labour Day without their employees.

Agency editor Arjin Oncel is currently writing news instead of her 6 friends.

She try to keep going their works.

Our numbers are getting down, but we are trying to work and write the facts. We follow in Musa Anter’s footsteps and the truth. But the tradition of the Free Press is such. We are now working on behalf of our imprisoned friends.

Arjin Dilek Oncel

An operation was carried out against public service workers in Diyarbakir last week.

As a result of the operation, 6 journalists from the Mesopotamia Agency were arrested.

4 of them were arrested and a day later, 2 more journalists were arrested.

The places of 6 journalists are now empty.

The rest of the burden is on the backs of the free journalists.

This is not the first time that our friends’ seats have been left empty. Our friends welcome the 1st of May in the prisons. After two days, on May 3, they celebrate the Freedom of the Press Day. But for us, it has not a meaning.

According to Oncel, these operations aim to stop the voice of journalists.

She explains that the government wants to silence the press with these operations before the elections.

In the agency, the seats of journalists are emptied one by one.

When journalist Salman Guleryuz was arrested, journalist Sedat Yilmazı passed his seat.

But now Arjin Dilek Oncel is sitting in Yilmazı’s seat. She says, “It is possible that I will be arrested tomorrow.”

This news was translated by Yonca Sarsilmaz

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Gulistan Korban
Gülistan Korban Rençber nûçegihan û edîtora Botan Timesê ye. Wê di sala 2013an de li bajarê Amedê li televizyoneke heremî ya bi navê Gun Tv’ye bi nûçegihantîyê dest bi kare xwe yê rojnamevanîyê kir. Piştre derbasê televizyona bi navê Azadî Tvyê bû û li wir edîtorîya nûçeyên Kurdî kir û nûçe pêşkeş kirin. Bi girtina Azadî TVyê re di 2016an de li malpera 1HaberVarê wekî edîtora nûçeyên Kurdî dest bi kar kir û di heman demê de malperêbernameyek çêkir û pêşkeş kir. Wê wek rojnamegera serbixwe ji bo bianet, PodcastKurdî û Botan Timesê kar kiriye.

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