Gernas Hezexi is a Kurdish language teacher who gives face to face Kurdish language lessons in Van for the victims of earthquake.
Gernas teacher stated that thanks to these courses, children move away from earthquake psychology
Children move away from earthquake psychology not only through my lessons but also through other courses. In this place, every time there is an activity. We have made room for them, they play in it. Our teacher draws their faces like clowns. I make jokes to them. I read stories to them to think of other things besides earthquakes.
Children are interested in Kurdish lessons. They also enjoy it. When I show them a Kurdish book, they are surprised. They look at the book and open the pages then ask me; ‘Teacher all these are in Kurdish.’ after then they try to read. Of course, because they didn’t have any Kurdish lessons until now, they can’t read. Only two students of them who are from Gaziantep chosed selective lesson in Kurdish. They say that we had this lesson at 6th grade. They didn’t learn anything, they didn’t even learn the alphabet. They didn’t know.
“Our language and yours aren’t the same”
For example, I talk in the lessons and then say give me an example, they say we don’t know the meaning of the example (in Kurdish is mînak). I also say you said that we know Kurmanci. Later they notice that have deficiencies. But yet, they say: “Teacher our language and yours aren’t the same.” When they learn new things, they tell to their families, then come to me and say “I say my mother but she doesn’t know this word.”
There was only one thing that have an impact on me. There were two girls also they are sisters. When I finished the lesson, they were sad and asked why the lesson ends.
For instance, sometimes I said we won’t have a lesson tomorrow they ask why. They wanted Kurdish lessons every day. They said to me “teacher we want to improve ourselves but our families don’t talk to us in Kurdish. Please give us homework, we will do it.”
“The more my students number increase, the more I feel better”
When I give lessons in my language, I feel proud of myself. Kurdish language is forbidden. I teach my language to my people. I hope our nation will focur more on their mother language.
Alson before the earthquake, Gernas teacher give Kurdish lessons to university students.
This news was translated by Yonca Sarsilmaz
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- Edîtor û nûçegihana Botan Timesê ye. Li Zanîngeha Selçûkê beşa rojnamegeriyê xwendiye. Ji bo Journo, Gazete MLSA, Botan International, PodcastKurdî, Rojnameya 9 Eylulê, Rojnameya 24 Saatê wek rojnamegera serbixwe kar kiriye.
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