What do Kurdish youth say about their first vote?

Since 2002, the AK party has been in power in Turkey.

A person born in that year is 21 years old today.

Around 5.2 million people will vote for the first time since the AK party came to power.

20-year-old Alpay is one of them. Now he is very angry and complains about the political talk.

Compare our friends in Europe and us. The man has ruled the country for 20 years. There is no freedom in this country. I do not want to vote for anyone. Whoever will be in power, that will certainly change as well.


Like Alpay, millions of young people will go to the polls for the first time.

That correspond to 8 percent of the electorate.

Erdogan and Kılıçdaroğlu are trying to attract the attention of generation Z voters with promises such as free internet packages or the abolition of the telephone tax.

But for Kurdish youth, these promises are meaningless. Their request is to live freely.

The 20-year-old Berfin reached voting age during the party’s time in power the AK party.

According to Berfin, the time for change is now. For a change, she says ‘I will vote for Kilicdaroglu’

I am worried about my future. Even if I graduate college, I’m not sure I’ll be able to find a job. So the government should change now.


According to the data, votes of the CHP have increased in the cities of North Kurdistan.

This case is the same among young people.

Many youngers like Rojin, who are fed up with the current economic situation, think that the solution is the change of goverment.

I am not a CHP supporter but if I vote for Kilicdaroglu, I believe that the country’s economy will improve. I will also vote for the Green Left Party in the parliamentary elections. That is enough to change some things.


Reha Ruhavioglu: CHP has become popular among Kurdish youth

One of Rawest’s latest polls shows that vote of the CHP has increased among Kurdish youth.

Director of the Kurdish Studies Center Reha Ruhavioglu, who conducts polls with Raweste, comments;

In our survey of young people who will be voting for the first time, the YSP is in first rank with 43 percent. The CHP is second with 23 percent and the AKP is last with 19 percent.

Reha Ruhavioglu

İmamoglu has also become a popular politician among Kurdish youth

The CHP has changed for 5-6 years and has established a friendly relationship with the Kurds. Kurdish youth is also interested in this. İmamoglu has also become popular politician among Kurdish youth. Many young people think that he resembles to Demirtaş that is way they support him.

Moreover, the HDP’s words and actions have paved the way for Kurds to vote for the CHP. This has strengthened the party’s voice in the region.

Reha Ruhavioglu

This news was translated by Yonca Sarsilmaz

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Gulistan Korban
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