News Lab Turkey’s (NLTR) Incubation* Program provides journalists training, micro-grant, and mentorship to create their own digital media channel.
NLTR founder Dr. Sarphan Uzunoglu told Botan Times that they started this work to “change the culture of journalism”.
The program is in Turkish and besides Turskish journalism ideas also give supports for Kurdish journalism. The application form will be open until February 6.
( You can apply with this link )
Each participant receives £900 to start their work. In four years, NLTR supported 72 media channels and this year (2023) support for establishing 24 media works will be provided.
Independent thoughts, small media
Likewise, media organizations are monopolized. Media organizations that are big are getting bigger and journalists are forced to work in those organizations. The digital world also allows journalists to open their channels in those places.
“There is a culture in Turkey where journalists think they should work under the roof of an agency. But on the other hand, many journalists are not satisfied with doing their journalistic work according to the request of their superiors.
We do workshops first, then stand by as a mentor and then give them a micro-grant.” said Dr. Uzunoglu
60% of the ideas stayed on and continued
“Approximately 3 percent of entrepreneur ideas stay on. For the media, we can say that one percent can stay on. We have supported 72 projects so far. We continue our relationship with them even after the project. We support them to find ways to keep going. In this way, 60% of the projects that started working with us remained going on and some of them were much bigger.
“We also support ideas for Kurdish media, for example, Podcast Kurdî is one of the agencies that came out of our Incubation Program.”
*Incubation in the dictionary, incubation in this program: the creation and implementation of ideas in media.
Yonca Sarsılmaz translated this news.
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- Avakarê Botan International û Botan Timesê ye. Bayramî ji bilî medyaya kurdî ji bo New York Times, Al Jazeera International, Deutsche Welle, Middle East Eye û RT TVyê kar kiriye. Wî li bernameya fellowshipê ya Rojnamegerîya Dîjîtal ya Zanîngeha Oxfordê(Enstîtûya REUTERSî ya Xebatên Rojnamegerîyê) li Ingilîzîstanê û Acadêmie Franceyê perwerde standiye. Zanîngeha Kalîforniayê ya Los Angelesê(UCLA) xelata “Nivîsîna herî afrînêr û orjînal” û Yekîtîya Rojnamegerên Başûrê Rojhilatî xelata “Rojnamegerê salê” daye wî. Nivîskarê “belkî îşev binive”yê ye (Weşanxaneya Avestayê, 2018). Ew yek ji nivîskarên Ferhenga Nûçegihanîya Zayenda Civakî: Kurdî-Tirkî û wergêrê 11 kitêban e. Wî edîtoriya 52 kitêban kiriye.
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