The hidden meanings in the song of “Gul”

“Gul “ is an important symbol in literature and music. From ancient times to the present day, “Gul” is not only a type of flower(rose), but also a symbol of love. Many poets used the “Gul” as a symbol of a lover.  

In ancient Egypt, the “Gul” was considered a sacred flower. In Greek mythology, the “Gul” is the flower of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love. In the middle age, in Europe the “Gul” was the symbol of nobility and wealth. In the age of the Roman empire, poets praised the “Gul”.

Many classical and modern Kurdish poets express their love with the word “Gul”. This also has an  impact on Kurdish music. There are many songs that use “Gul” as a symbol of love. 

But there is a difference in Kurdish poetry and music about the meaning of the  “Gul”. The word “Gul” is used for Kurdistan instead of the country. Like in the song “Ay lê Gulê”. In this song, the lyrics of which were written by Rencber and the music composed by Mihemed Şêxo, the word “Gul” is used as a symbol for Kurdistan.   

Because of the ban on the word Kurdistan, there are other songs that use “Gul”. 

Sometimes the word of Kurdistan turns to Gulistan. . 

These are songs that use the word “Gul” as a symbol of love and Kurdistan and in some of them “Gul” is used instead of Kurdistan.  

Elegez – Koma Wetan

Gulazer– Seyîtxan

Gula min – Trio Mara

Gula sor – Gulistan Perwer

Gula sor – Ciwan Haco

Gulgulî – Aram Tîgran

Gula Dil – Mehmet Atli

Gul û sosin – Şakiro 

Gul şêrîn – Meryemxan

Gula min – Heme Hacî

Gula min – Diyar Dêrsim

Gula min – Beyto can

Gula min – Kawa

Gula dilê min – Hozan Dîno

Gulê – Rewşen

Gulê – Yunus Dişkaya

Gulê – Erdogan Emîr

Gulê – Ferît Sevîm

Gulê – Rojda / Firat Guneş

Gulê – Kardeş Türküler

Gulê – Hozan Hamîd 

Gul Sînemê – Xanemîr

Gulek – Ciwan Haco

Gulşirînê – Tara Mamedova

Gulê oy oy – Xecê

Gulê rabû – Xêro Abbas

Gulnîşan – Şivan Perwer

Gula Hewşê – Rezan Koç

Bilbil û gul – Koma Agirî

Were delal – Mem Ararat

Gulek tenê besî min e – Eyaz Yûsiv

Gulfiroş – Bûrhan Berken

Gul ringdar in – Koma Gulên Xerzan

Ha gulê – Şahiya Stranan

Gulê hoy narê – Dawitê Xilo

Erê gulê – Koma MA

Gul firoş – Firat Başkale

Gulşîrînê – Aram Tîgran

Gulên Gulistanê – Serhado

Gulfiroş – Reşo

Keza gula sor e – Feyzoyê Rizo
Gulîzer – Berfîn Aktay

Read in Kurdish

This news was translated by Betül Demir

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Ferid Demirel

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