In August 2015, the stagnant war become hot in the gallnut of the country. The heat of war took the place of the heat of the figs and the sun utilized from the heat of the war. The number of convicts increases, a group becomes a guest once a week or every ten days, and after a while, people become hosts. They slowly prepare for their exile: They erase the notes on the papers, burn them; pick up their things, and devote their books. They should be ready for new stories and memories. However, the routine and the strict discipline are as always. Everyone has to get up at seven o’clock in the morning; it’s not time for going out, not time for the crop, not it’s not even time for school… It is breakfast time and education to read and criticize the process. To be a father, mother or any relative is a crime in this sacked country.
It was my fourth day as a guest in this prison. The battle was heard, and the discussion between me and a few friends was intense and continuous: conventional syntax or lexical syntax? I was supporting the conventional syntax, and Sofi came to defend me. Except for a few common words, he did not know the language of the authorities. I would have asked them, “Sofi, what do we say about this situation, so and so…” For my thoughts and opinions, Sofi’s words became mounting. This curiosity strengthened our friendship.
One day, Sofi came to me with a newspaper in his hand and said, “You are a teacher, you must teach me to read and write, my all friends know literacy.” Of course Sofi! It doesn’t get much better than this. We started our lessons. Every evening he learned two or three sounds. The first sound was “a”. “a”, “a”, “a”, “ax (xxx)!”* He added “x”.
It was time for these sounds to come together and give them color and meaning. Sofi should not be deprived of this five-thousand-year-old magic. But there was a problem: When I thought about reading and writing to Sofi, my friends were angry with me. I don’t know what I did. I doubted my personality, writings, and the thing that I fight for it. I wondered whether they want me between them. Am I non-effective?
Salih came to me before our lesson with Sofi and said:
“What is the current situation?”
“I am going to teach the literacy to Sofi.”
“Oh my god, you solved all problems, this is the last one?”
“Then, why?”
“Do not teach the literacy to him!”
“If he learns to literacy, he’ll destroy us!”
“For what?”
“Sofi was sentenced to 54 years, but we told him that you were sentenced to 15 years.”
Sofi came that evening, “Teacher, class?” “Sofi, my teeth hurt…” Later that night: “Sofi, my head hurts”, “Sophie, I need to read my book”…
After two weeks, I learned I will evacuate. I said goodbye to everyone. Sofi gave me warm wishes. Salih came to my ear and said half laughing:
“Let’s say friends, this revolution must take place within fifteen years!”
Who will I tell?
* ax means suspiration in Kurdish.
This news was translated by Yonca Sarsilmaz
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