Our robot reporter prepares news in Kurdish from 109 languages

Botan International started building an artificial intelligence-powered robot-reporter named Rony.

What does Rony do?

The robot coded by Yehya Lezgin Chali, CEO of OVANYAis monitoring news in 109 languages, adapting it to the Kurdish news form and sending it to its editor.

Robot learns Kurdish journalism by BotanInt’s CEO Murat Bayram’s news-editing. The legal owner of the robot is BotanInt. Murat Bayram and Yehya Chali are volunteering for this project.

Robot has appeared in more than 30 Turkish and Kurdish media.

Botan Int CEO Murat Bayram and software enginer Yehya Chali was on Hevidar Zana’s live show on Rudaw TV

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Botan Times

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