There are small stones all over the place. Wherever you turn your head you see stones, like the world of stones. You want to feel like a stone but you can’t. For instance your hands are soft, they are not hard like a stone or your body has only one colour, it is not like these colourful stones. You know, you are different from them. But what is it? Maybe are you a bug who walks among them? But what kind of bug? Like an ant or a spider? They have many legs but you have only two, if you add your hands also it would be four. You can’t be like them again. You are a bug, but you haven’t decided which bug you are yet. Which one is similar to you? Well, there might be one that looks like you but you don’t know.
After all, you walk around on stones, stones that are hot like fire, like potatoes that have just come out of the oven. You walk around this fire and want to find your way. Someone comes and goes over you, you hide in the little holes in the stones to protect yourself until they pass. After they pass, you take a deep breath and go on in your way. You don’t know where your direction is going, you are in the world of stones. But interestingly enough you don’t look at them carefully. Some of them are embroidered and fancy. Some of them are covered with very beautiful colours. You’re going to be surprised that you haven’t discovered this before. In order to see them, do you have to become a bug, join their world and travel among them?
You approach your nose and smell them. They smell like the sun. You wonder what kind of smell comes from you? You can’t smell yourself, you stretch your front leg to your nose, there is a smell, smell of the soil. You think that you walk under the sun so much but why do they smell like sun but you smell like soil. Maybe you are closer to the soil. But at the same time they stick to the soil. Maybe they can’t move on so they smell only sun, but you always walk, you walk even your feets burn, for this reason you are one with the soil. You also know that if you don’t move for a while, you will melt in the soil and disappear. You can’t stay like a stone because they never melt and collect the scent of the sun.
This news was translated by Betül Demir
Author Profile

- She was born in Tatvan in 1988. She studied French Language and Literature at Istanbul University. She received her Master's degree from Artuklu University and her PhD from Dicle University. She is currently working at the Kurdish Department of Artuklu University. She is also a translator and has translated several articles from English and French into Kurdish. She translated the book of Kurdên Yarsan by Shahab Vali from French to Kurdish, published by Avesta Publishing House in 2018.
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