Quickfire Dialogue with Resul Bafeyî

If you write a letter to God, what would you say?
What is the sin of the Kurds? Which of us has committed a great sin that we suffer this pain?

Who is the person that you love most?
Hozan Serhad.

What would you not want to happen if you built a world for yourself?
No war.

What is your favorite book?
Soryaz – Diyar Bohtî.

When you are dead, who would you most like to visit your grave? (It does not matter if s/he is dead or alive)
I want Hivron to come to my grave and sing the song Jaro Jaro.

What worries you the most?
Crying of mothers.

If you scratch one name to Diyarbakir’s walls, whose name would it be?
Şêx Saîd. He has already scratched his name, there is no need for others.

Which period do you want to live in?
The time when Ciwan Haco was in Qamishli and sang “Hey canê hey canê” to his listeners.

Which period do you want to live in?
The period when Ciwan Haco was in Qamishli and song “Hey canê hey canê” to his listener.

If you were born one more time, what would you do again?
I would joke again to make our mothers laugh.

What would you most like to do before you die?
We want to carry the Kurdish cinema on the international scene.

What do you most dream about?
I dream that one day the Berxwedan group comes to Diyarbakir Newroz. All the members would stand side by side, Hozan Seyidxan would sing the song “Gulazer” with his large jacket like two rooms and one hall. I can die after this dream.

What is the pain in your heart in this life?
There are many things but I will say one “Kurds have not been pleased, this has become a pain for me”.

If you wanted to change something about yourself, what would it be?
My stubbornness.

What is your biggest achievement?
I make many Kurds laugh in Kurdish.

Read in Kurdish

This news was translated by Betül Demir

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