Cengiz Çandar: Diyarbakir stays intentionally silent

About a week later, Diyarbakir will send 12 deputies to the parliament. The Green Left Party has a strong voice in this city.

In the previous parliamentary elections, the HDP won 9 out of 12 deputies in Diyarbakir.

In the May 14 elections, the Green Left Party (YSP) aims to win at least 12 deputies.

Cengiz Çandar is one of the YSP candidates in Diyarbakir. He is a third-tier candidate.

His candidacy has been discussed since the day his name was announced. Cengiz Çandar answers Botan Times’ questions about the discussions and his candidacy for Diyarbakır.

I am happy to be the candidate from this city. Diyarbakir has a special place for me. I am attached to this city with love. For me, Diyarbakir means Sur. The next era will be a new era in the history of Turkey.

Çengiz Candar

The candidacy of Çandar was also evaluated as the beginning of a new solution process. He said as his ideas on this issue:

If Erdogan steps down in this election, we can say that this means hope for a solution to the Kurdish problem. The Kurdish problem can only be solved through democracy. For me, it is valuable because people have expectations of my candidacy. If my candidacy reminds people of the solution and the peace process, this can only happy to me.

Cengiz Çandar

“Diyarbakir will wake up on May 15”

According to Cengiz Çandar, Diyarbakir stays intentionally silent.

In my opinion, the result of this election in all cities of Turkey will surprise us all. If it is 12-0 in Diyarbakir, it will not be a miracle. Many people say that Diyarbakir is quiet compared to the last elections. It is not like before. I also say that this city has come under a lot of pressure. To avoid provocations, Diyarbakir is pretending dead and will wake up on May 15.

Çandar states that he is currently working on learning the Kurdish language and says:

I have said everything and will continue to say it. The Kurdish language should be the language of education. I am already saying it. Because the Kurds know my language, I must learn their language as a sign of respect. Soon I will speak with people of Diyarbakir in Kurdish.

This news was translated by Yonca Sarsilmaz

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Gulistan Korban
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