The demolishing of the Gallery building started 17 days after the earthquake in Diyarbakir.
There were 4 blocks in that building and hundreds of people lived there.
2 blocks of this building were destroyed in the February 6 earthquake. For the rest of the blocks, a controlled demolition decision was made.
A family with three children lived there before the earthquake. They were waiting for watching the demolishing of their house. They witnessed that destruction.
The woman whose house was destroyed told to Botan Times tearful:
After the earthquake, we opened the door to leave the house, but the elevator and a staircase were destroyed. We turned back inside.
I and my children hugged the colons of the room. After a while, the fire brigade made a corridor and let us down. My children went out barefoot.
It isn’t all about the house. I don’t have a single photograph of my children. I can’t get my memories back. As our old days fade away. It is very difficult to watch from here.
My children have not been able to sleep since that night. Even, many times they don’t talk. My children always feel that they are in an earthquake.
Now we have only beds and pillows in the house where we stay. We will start from the beginning.
A 6-7-year-old girl with a pink coat was also in front of the ruins. She was pointing to his house and saying:
Look at it, we can see our TV from here. These are also our blue seats.
This news was translated by Yonca Sarsilmaz
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- Edîtor û nûçegihana Botan Timesê ye. Li Zanîngeha Selçûkê beşa rojnamegeriyê xwendiye. Ji bo Journo, Gazete MLSA, Botan International, PodcastKurdî, Rojnameya 9 Eylulê, Rojnameya 24 Saatê wek rojnamegera serbixwe kar kiriye.
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