Quickfire Dialogue with Eylul Nazlîer

If you write a letter to God, what would you say?
You are alone in that universe and I am alone in this world, let’s come and drink tea together and end this loneliness!

Who is the person that you love most?
There is no one person, but I love warrior people and draw strength from them.

What would you not want to happen if you built a world for yourself?
No war and cruelty, of course.

What is your favorite book?
Lord of the Flies – William Golding.

When you are dead, who would you most like to visit your grave? (It does not matter if s/he is dead or alive)
I would want Meyramxan to come to my grave and sing the Qomrîkê song.

What worries you the most?
Cries of children and their thoughts of lost parents.

If you scratch one name to Diyarbakir’s walls, whose name would it be?
Fîdê (it’s both my name and my grandmother’s)

Which period do you want to live in?
In the 20th century, on the walls of Diyarbakir as a radio repairwoman.

If you were born one more time, what would you do again?
I would sing among the trees of the forest.

What would you most like to do before you die?
I want to collect folk songs from all over my country and make an album out of them.

What do you most dream about?
One night in the village, I would talk and sing with my dead grandmother until the sun came up

What is the pain in your heart in this life?
I didn’t talk to my grandmother enough before she died, and that’s the pain in my heart.

If you wanted to change something about yourself, what would it be?
I want to change my carefreeness and mercifulness.

What is your biggest achievement?
Following my culture and singing in my native language.

Read in Kurdish

This interview was translated by Betül Demir

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