“In Turkey, the Kurdish problem can only be solved through a federation”

The parliamentary and presidential elections are getting closer.

All political parties are in action.

What are the political parties in Turkey doing for the Kurds in this election and what will they do?

On this issue, this week we will hear the views of the Chairman of the Diyarbakir Rights and Freedoms Party, Vasif Kaplanı.

The Kurdish problem in Turkey can only be solved through a federation. As long as the administration of the Kurds is not in their hands, this problem will keen on. We see the solution here and have been saying this for 20 years.

Vasif Kaplan

Why didn’t you take a place in the “Kurdish Alliance for Freedom and Democracy,” which was founded and established by the Green Left Party?

We believe that the HDP connects the Kurds with the Turkish left parties. Will we make an alliance with Hasan Cemal, Cengiz Çandar, and Sirri Sureya Onder! They appear in the name of the Kurds, but they don’t have any requests for them. Did they want a state for the Kurds? Their speech in Ankara and Diyarbakir is not the same. In Diyarbakir, they talk about education in their mother tongue, but in Ankara, they don’t say anything like this. They are deceiving our peple. That’s why we didn’t take a place in the alliance.

Vasif Kaplan

Vasif Kaplani states that if the party AK and Huda-Par come to power and accept the Kurds and Kurdistan, they can come together with them and negotiate as a Kurdish party.

Finally, Kaplan appeals to Kurdish voters to stand together for the Kurds and Kurdistan and to vote for his party.

 When was the party founded?

The Rights and Freedoms Party (HAK-PAR) was founded by Adulmelik Firat on February 11, 2002.

The party professes its Kurdish identity and wants a federal administration for the Kurds.

The party’s general chairman is Düzgun Kaplan.

In the 2018 elections, the party participated for the first time with independent candidates.

Hak-Par will run for the first time in the May 14 parliamentary elections.

This news was translated by Yonca Sarsilmaz

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Gulistan Korban
Gülistan Korban Rençber nûçegihan û edîtora Botan Timesê ye. Wê di sala 2013an de li bajarê Amedê li televizyoneke heremî ya bi navê Gun Tv’ye bi nûçegihantîyê dest bi kare xwe yê rojnamevanîyê kir. Piştre derbasê televizyona bi navê Azadî Tvyê bû û li wir edîtorîya nûçeyên Kurdî kir û nûçe pêşkeş kirin. Bi girtina Azadî TVyê re di 2016an de li malpera 1HaberVarê wekî edîtora nûçeyên Kurdî dest bi kar kir û di heman demê de malperêbernameyek çêkir û pêşkeş kir. Wê wek rojnamegera serbixwe ji bo bianet, PodcastKurdî û Botan Timesê kar kiriye.

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