Heja Netirk told Botan Times about her single album that will be released this week.
The name of her new album is “Herkes Zevici”.
From women’s eyes
I want to express women’s feelings. I mean, let me talk about some issues from the women’s side. For instance, you have often heard a man say to a woman, “Everyone is married, let’s get married too.” But I wanted a woman to say this, not a man.
Heja Netirk
I can’t go back to my country
I don’t think to get married. But everyone wants to marry me! Does everyone get married? No!
Heja Netirk
I continue my artwork and cannot return from Germany. I am kinda funny, but the state (Turkey) wants to throw me in prison.
I love much self-confident women. They also love me a lot. My greetings to self-confident women.
Heja Netirk
The story of the beginning
In an interview with Botan Times, Heja Netirk talked about the story of the beginning of his music:
At university, I entered the dance department first. But the dance was not for me. I was looking for a month to leave the folklore club. After a singer friend said to me ‘why don’t you go to the singing section, your voice is beautiful.”
I took singing lessons for three years. Also, I wanted to learn acting as well, so the acting and singing lessons were at the same time.
When I was in prison, I learned to play the guitar. And I made my first songs. After I left, I decided to record my songs.
I like that my songs are about everyday life and express the feelings of a woman. I thought I said if I loved it, surely others will love it too. I also used social media as a tool to reach people, which takes a lot of time.
Heja Netirk
This news was translated by Yonca Sarsilmaz
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- Avakarê Botan International û Botan Timesê ye. Bayramî ji bilî medyaya kurdî ji bo New York Times, Al Jazeera International, Deutsche Welle, Middle East Eye û RT TVyê kar kiriye. Wî li bernameya fellowshipê ya Rojnamegerîya Dîjîtal ya Zanîngeha Oxfordê(Enstîtûya REUTERSî ya Xebatên Rojnamegerîyê) li Ingilîzîstanê û Acadêmie Franceyê perwerde standiye. Zanîngeha Kalîforniayê ya Los Angelesê(UCLA) xelata “Nivîsîna herî afrînêr û orjînal” û Yekîtîya Rojnamegerên Başûrê Rojhilatî xelata “Rojnamegerê salê” daye wî. Nivîskarê “belkî îşev binive”yê ye (Weşanxaneya Avestayê, 2018). Ew yek ji nivîskarên Ferhenga Nûçegihanîya Zayenda Civakî: Kurdî-Tirkî û wergêrê 11 kitêban e. Wî edîtoriya 52 kitêban kiriye.
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