HUDA PAR has announced that they will support Erdoğan. They have also candidates from the AKP lists or parliamentarians in three cities.
This party has been on the agenda with its statements about the Kurds.
According to the deputy chairman of HUDA PAR, Şeyhmus Tanrikulu, they are being attacked for their statements about the Kurds.
We asked Tanrikulu about the problem of the Kurds and other issues that are wondered.
“AKP had revolutionary steps for the Kurds”
Tanrikulu believes that until the AK party came to power in 2002, every cruelty was done to the Kurds.
He says, “Even if HDP does not accept, the AKP had revolutionary steps for the Kurds.”
“Kurds’ rights and names should be included in Turkish law”
The party that recently come to the forefront with its explanations about the Kurds has some suggestions.
The Kurds must have a status and the existence of the Kurds must be officially recognized in Turkish law.
In the current law, there is a definition of Turkey and Turkishness. This should be changed.
The official language of Turkey is Turkish. However, Kurdish should be recognized as a second language and included in the law.
It should be an important point in the management area of local governments or community strengthening.
Şeyhmus Tanrikulu
“If the National Alliance wins, the Kurds will return to the 90s “
According to Şehmus Tanrikulu, if the National Alliance wins, all the Kurds’ achievements will be lost and the Kurds will return to the 1990s.
Tanrikulu states that if National Alliance comes to power, TRT Kurdish will be closed and the Kurdish language will be banned from newspapers, magazines, and websites.
Because we want education in mother tongue, the Kemalists in the CHP point us as a target. What will they give to the Kurds? Now HDP and Kandil also are supporting the Kilicdaroglu. But if they come to power, they will hanker for Erdogan.
Şeyhmus Tanrikulu
“I was also imprisoned because of the Hezbollah case”
We don’t have a relationship with Hezbollah. The opposition wants to show that we have a relationship with Hezbollah. I went to prison and got out of the Hezbollah case. I paied my sentence and now I am in politics. No one can condemn us. Currently, there are many people in the HDP and TIP who went to prison and came out and are now parliamentary.
Şeyhmus Tanrikulu
When was the party founded ?
On December 19, 2012, the Free Cause Party (Huda Par) was founded.
The current chairman of Huda Par is Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu.
The part will take place with its 4 candidates from the AKP list in the May 14 elections.
This news was translated by Yonca Sarsilmaz
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