DEVA: The definition of citizenship should be chanced in Turkey

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There are 44 days for the general and presidential elections.

As the elections approach, political parties have also strengthened their activities.

The voice of the Kurdish voters is also valuable and strategic in this election as like in many elections. 

What do political parties promise for the Kurds and what will they do? How do they give place Kurds in their programs?

Every week we go to a political party in Diyarbakir to talk about these questions.

This week, Botan Times went to the Democracy and Progress Party (DEVA).

The founder of the DEVA party in Diyarbakir, Cihan Ülsen gave answers to our question.

Cihan Ülsen

Ülsen says that when we enter into public, we come across two problems. The first is about identity and the second one is about the economy.

“Until you find a solution to this problem…”

When I mention the unemployment problem in Diyarbakir, again I see the issue of the Kurds.

Until you find a solution to this problem namely the Kurdish problem, you can’t solve any problem in Turkey.

In these 6 years, Turkey has been far away from democracy and became like a police state.

It doesn’t matter what is the issue (health, military, human rights, economy) when you want to talk about it, you will see the problem of Kurds.

We see this problem and say that until you find a solution to this problem, you can’t solve any problem in Turkey.

Cihan Ülsen
When Cihan Ülsen talk with people on the street

Ülsen gives 4 ways to solve the problem of Kurds;

Firstly, you should demonstrate a will for solving the problem.

Everybody has the right to education in their mother language and also Kurds should have it.

We should eliminate the guardian ad litem.

Ülsen dwell on the Article 66 of the constitution and says “Everyone who is a citizen of the Turkish state is a Turk.”

And he says “In Turkey, the definition of citizenship is very military, the meaning of it should be changed and cover everyone.”

This news was translated by Yonca Sarsilmaz

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Gulistan Korban
Gülistan Korban Rençber nûçegihan û edîtora Botan Timesê ye. Wê di sala 2013an de li bajarê Amedê li televizyoneke heremî ya bi navê Gun Tv’ye bi nûçegihantîyê dest bi kare xwe yê rojnamevanîyê kir. Piştre derbasê televizyona bi navê Azadî Tvyê bû û li wir edîtorîya nûçeyên Kurdî kir û nûçe pêşkeş kirin. Bi girtina Azadî TVyê re di 2016an de li malpera 1HaberVarê wekî edîtora nûçeyên Kurdî dest bi kar kir û di heman demê de malperêbernameyek çêkir û pêşkeş kir. Wê wek rojnamegera serbixwe ji bo bianet, PodcastKurdî û Botan Timesê kar kiriye.

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