We have 100 acres of land, but we have nothing. Can you see the houses around us? All of them are landowners, but they have […]
Author: Gulistan Korban
Gülistan Korban Rençber nûçegihan û edîtora Botan Timesê ye. Wê di sala 2013an de li bajarê Amedê li televizyoneke heremî ya bi navê Gun Tv’ye bi nûçegihantîyê dest bi kare xwe yê rojnamevanîyê kir. Piştre derbasê televizyona bi navê Azadî Tvyê bû û li wir edîtorîya nûçeyên Kurdî kir û nûçe pêşkeş kirin. Bi girtina Azadî TVyê re di 2016an de li malpera 1HaberVarê wekî edîtora nûçeyên Kurdî dest bi kar kir û di heman demê de malperêbernameyek çêkir û pêşkeş kir. Wê wek rojnamegera serbixwe ji bo bianet, PodcastKurdî û Botan Timesê kar kiriye.
What do we know about the attack against journalist Sinan Aygul?
I just want you to think you think for a few minutes. You have a toothache and you go to the dentist. The dentists pull […]
Children of Diyarbakir jump in a fountain with a history of two thousand years
The summer heat of Diyarbakır makes people’s faces slowly burn. We know that it seems 33 degrees, but the temperature that affects the human body […]
A Kurdish woman with her designs will be at Paris Fashion Week
I aim to introduce Kurdish fashion to the world. I was not surprised when I received the invitation to Paris Fashion Week. Because I believed in my […]
Will the economic crisis affect the votes of the Kurds in the second round?
Turkey has a bad economy between underdeveloped countries in the world. Since 2018, the rise of the dollar has been unstoppable in the country. The […]